Marital Advice

**** Sharing - It's Not Like In Kindergarten ****

This is a simple story from Marital Advice to my Grandson, Joel that many people have told me is one of their favorites.  I hope you enjoy it and find some truth in it.

You learned as a child that it is good, proper, and nice to share with others.  This concept carries over to marriage, but it works a little differently than it did in kindergarten.

Let's say, for example, that you like to occasionally eat a banana.  You realize that your wife is not as fond of bananas as you are and that she rarely eats them.  You stop at a convenience store on your way home from work and they have some great-looking bananas.  You decide to buy two of them - one for today and the other one for tomorrow. You get home and place your bananas on the kitchen counter.  After dinner, you decide to have one of your bananas for a snack.  Your wife asks, "Can I have the other banana?"  Of course, you graciously say "Yes."  There goes tomorrow's banana.

A few days later, you stop at the same convenience store and they again have some great-looking bananas.  You decide to get yourself two of them - one for today and the other for tomorrow.  You recall, however, that last time you did this, your wife ate your second banana.  You decide to compensate for this and buy three bananas, two for you and one for your wife.

You get home and place the three bananas on the kitchen counter.  After dinner, you decide to have one of your bananas as a snack.  Your wife does not ask if she can have a banana.

The next evening, after dinner, you decide to have your other banana as a snack.  Your wife still does not ask if she can have the remaining banana.  

By the third day, your wife still has not asked if she can have the remaining banana.  By this time, it has turned black and is inedible.  You throw it out in the garbage.  

Like I said, sharing in a marriage is not the same as sharing in kindergarten.  Good luck figuring it out.  

Copyright  ©  2018 By Peter Davidson
