Marital Advice

Marital Wisdom, Passed Down for Generations

When any man gets engaged to be married, some well-meaning self-styled philosophers, including his brothers, uncles, friends, and even strangers, will take him aside and offer some marital advice.   Following is some of the marital advice I received when I got married that I passed down to my grandson, Joel, when he got engaged. 

Since some of this timeless wisdom and advice is quite deep and philosophical, I have added a few comments in parenthesis, based on my years of marital experience, to help Joel, and you, out a bit.

That Timeless Wisdom 

"It takes a lot of effort to make a marriage work." (That advice is like giving you a rowboat somewhere off the coast of California, pointing out into the ocean, and saying, "If you paddle in that direction you'll eventually reach Hawaii.)

"Just treat her like one of the guys." (You might contemplate this advice carefully before you teach your wife how to cuss, chew tobacco, and spit.)

"Measure twice and saw once."  (The purveyor of this fabulous wisdom was a carpenter, but in marital terms, it probably means you should think twice before you open your mouth.

"Your wife will not see the humor of your introducing her to others as your 'First Wife'.  (No shit.)

"Your wife is allowed to say low-down, mean, nasty things about her mother, but you are not."  (It's a mother-daughter thing that you'll never understand.)

"If you whisper another woman's name in your wife's ear, or shout it, particularly during a moment of passion, there is no way to lie your way out of it, but give it a try anyway."  (This advice came from a guy who spent three years sleeping in the basement.)

"Your mouth will get you into a whole lot more trouble than your Willy ever will. (This advice is from the voice of experience, me.)

The book, Marital Advice to my Grandson, Joel, contains a lot more of this marital wisdom that will get any married man off to a good start.

Copyright  ©  2018 By Peter Davidson
